The proposal presented by Margarida Quelhas, Joana Barreto and Roberta Grazioli, Landplan office, was one of the Design Jury finalists at the Passageways 2.0 competition, which intends to transform an alley in Chattanooga, Tenessee, USA, into a vibrant pedestrian space to be used as a pathway and small public events. This international competition was launched last September by River City Company + Cogent Studio + Public Art Chattanooga, and it is open to multidisciplinary teams, aiming inovative proposals with a cohesive artistic vision.
Aiming to enhance the conductive character of the alley, as well as its ability to shorten the way, bringing places and people closer, the proposal is called Pipe Organ: a white metal pipes’ composition spreads along the alley as veins transporting voices and music, turning the alley into a permeable yet protected space. Leading the way, the Pipe Organ is also support for a cenic and safe lighting, turning the alley on a comfortable place also during the night.
This proposal was ellaborated in collaboration with Eclipz, a light design team.
We publicize a partnership project developed by angolan and portuguese offices, the requalification and revitalization of the Marginal de Luanda, in Angola, which won the 2013 National Landscape Architecture Award, promoted by the newspaper Arquitecturas. The project won the Landscape Integration Category, and the prize was given, during the 9th edition of Urba Verde - Fórum das Cidades Sustentáveis, last May, in Oeiras, to landscape architect Margarida Quelhas, who represented the angolan and portuguese teams - Costa Lopes Arquitectos e LandPlan.
To have a morning run at Luanda's centre was something unthinkable for most portuguese and other expatriate living at Angola's capital. At least until a year ago, before the opening, on August 28th, of the new Luanda Bay. Now, the waterfront is a place for sports and walks and will be a business spot. After the decontamination and requalification of the bay, there are 39ha to build along 3km, on 22 buildings. the first investment will be around 605 million euros e it corresponds to 20% of total predicted building area, which is1.7million sqm.
The project of requalification and dynamization of Luanda's waterfront, promoted by Baía de Luanda Society, was the great winner of the National Landscape Architecture Prize 2013, on the category Work of Landscape Integration.
The prize was given, during the 9th edition of Urba Verde - Fórum das Cidades Sustentáveis. Representing the teams - Costa Lopes (Angola) e Território, Paisagem, Arquitectura (Portugal) - the prize was awarded to landscape architect Margarida Quelhas.
The project of requalification and dynamization of Luanda's waterfront was recently distinguished with the National Landscape Architecture Prize 2013, on the category Work of Landscape Integration. This project has been promoted by Baía de Luanda Society.
The prize was given, during the 9th edition of Urba Verde - Fórum das Cidades Sustentáveis, last May, in Oeiras, to landscape architect Margarida Quelhas, who represented the angolan and portuguese teams - Costa Lopes Arquitectos e LandPlan.